List of Activation Codes

activation codes Nov 06, 2023
List of activation Codes

Here is a current list of Activation Codes.  [Updated July 27, 2024] 

  1. Abundance
  2. Adventure & Exploration
  3. Ancestral Forgiveness
  4. Ascension
  5. Authority
  6. Beauty
  7. Bedrock Energy
  8. Belonging
  9. Bigger Purpose & Vision   
  10. Body Alchemy
  11. Body Confidence
  12. Bonding
  13. A Channel of Divine Trust
  14. Clarity of Vision
  15. Closing Loose Ends
  16. Cohesion 
  17. Community Healing
  18. Compassion
  19. Compassionate Community
  20. Cosmic Mirror
  21. Curiosity
  22. Dark Silence
  23. Death 
  24. Deep Emotional Waters
  25. Depth of Wealth
  26. Divine Attraction
  27. Divine Charity
  28. Divine Decision
  29. Divine Desire
  30. Divine Efficiency
  31. Divine Order
  32. Dolphin Medicine
  33. Earth Magic
  34. Ease
  35. Emotional Resilience
  36. Energetic Light Structure
  37. Expanding Consciousness
  38. Family 
  39. Feminine Creativity 
  40. Fire Under the Butt
  41. Fluid Action
  42. Follow Through
  43. Freedom
  44. Galactic Goddess Energy
  45. Galactic Healing
  46. Galactic Mirror
  47. Galactic Travels
  48. Grounding
  49. Head/Heart Connection
  50. Healing of Abuse from Self and Others
  51. Healing the Wounds of Beauty
  52. Heart & Forgiveness
  53. Higher Perspectives 
  54. Holy Fire
  55. Holy Witness
  56. Home
  57. Homecoming 
  58. Honest Truth
  59. Initiation
  60. Initiation of Divinity
  61. Inner Balance
  62. Inner Strength
  63. Innocence 
  64. Integrity *
  65. Intergenerational Healing
  66. Internal Support 
  67. Intuition *
  68. Journeys
  69. Joy
  70. Joyful Order
  71. Knowing
  72. Kundalini Energy
  73. Lightening 
  74. Logos: The Language of Creation
  75. Love *
  76. Masculine Support
  77. The Matriarch
  78. Mental Wellness
  79. Mind Body Integration
  80. The Miraculous NOW
  81. Music of One's Life
  82. Naturalness
  83. The Next Aligned Step
  84. The NOW
  85. Organic Earth Body
  86. Owning Your Shit
  87. Patience in Discernment of Global Projects
  88. The Path of Enlightenment
  89. Peace *
  90. Peaceful Power
  91. Persistence
  92. Personal Story
  93. Poetic Resonance
  94. Polarity
  95. Portals of Emotions
  96. Portals of Fulfillment 
  97. Portal Opening
  98. Portals of Possibility
  99. Portals of Time & Space
  100. Powerful Spaciousness
  101. Pure Feminine Energy
  102. Purity of Intention
  103. Primal Sexual Energy
  104. Radical Truth
  105. Recovery & Restoration
  106. Regeneration
  107. Remembrance
  108. Remembering 
  109. Restoration 
  110. Revealing What is Hidden
  111. Sacred Communication
  112. Sacred Earth Energy
  113. Sacrifice
  114. Sanctuary 
  115. Safety & Security
  116. Self-Acceptance
  117. Sexuality*
  118. Shield of Strength
  119. Softening
  120. Soul Purpose
  121. Soul Energies
  122. Soul Wisdom
  123. Spiritual Creativity
  124. Spiritual Exploration
  125. Spiritual Purpose
  126. Spiritual Vision
  127. Subtle Energies
  128. Stability
  129. Star Power
  130. Superpowers
  131. Sweet Spot
  132. Symbolic Wisdom
  133. The Beyond Field
  134. The Third Eye *
  135. Time Portals
  136. True Heart Connection
  137. Transformation of Form
  138. Transformational Wisdom
  139. True Grit
  140. True North
  141. True Sight
  142. Trust in the Divine 
  143. Trust in Others
  144. Unconditional Love
  145. Universal Law
  146. Visibility
  147. Welcoming Home True Self
  148. Winter
  149. Wholiness

If you have had your Activation Code read by Dawn and don't see your Activation Code listed please reach out to Dawn via social media or reply to an email or newsletter and we'll make sure to add it.    

Go here to schedule your Activation Code Reading with Dawn. 


Want to know yourself more intimately?Ā Ā Your Activation CodeĀ is theĀ key to deeper understanding of the energetic reason your clients are attracted to you.

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